UFCW-Webhome drive mapping - Employee Info Website
if you cannot not copy files to EmpeInfo on ufcw-webhome anymore and are Getting file sync errors:
re-map drive using DNS name: \\ufcw-webhome\UFCWpub\empeinfo\ (don't map using IP address which stopped working)
if the share is freezing in Windows Explorer; do this:
1. from command prompt, type net use U: /delete (U: is the drive letter it is using)
2. re-map using this command: net use U: \\ufcw-webhome\UFCWpub\empeinfo
3. open regedit and do the following:
The trick is to add the registry key "ProviderFlags" as a REG_DWORD with a value of 1 (0x00000001) to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network\*SMBv1 Drive Letter*
Then reboot or log on/off. It fixes the perpetual "reconnecting" status of the SMBv1 drive at logon and everything has been functioning normally and quickly for users we've added that registry key. Only needs to be added to the drive letters under Network that correspond to SMBv1 shares.
4. reboot the PC and try opening the file share.